TIP: Click on any of the links below that relate to your question to see guide
To Join Eden profix, proceed to the registration page to create and register a new account. you will be
requested to fill in you working email address, choose a username and password and enter your current
country of residence. All your Informations remain private and encrypted and will never be shared.
If your account is successfully registered, you will recieve a confirmation mail from Our support team
on the email address you provided during registration.
If you encounter any problem during registration, kindly contact our support.
Once your account is registered successfully, Continue to the login page to access your account. Login using the email you registered with and your password.
We provide a very efficient and robust solution for our clients to easily make investment; securely, easy and fast. You can set up an investment in few munites.
1. Once you are logged in, you will be redirected to your user Dashboard. Click on the
Investment link to open the investment page.
2. In the Investment page, Click on New Investment; This will open up the Create New
Investment Panel. Choose the method you want to deposit with, Bitcoin, Ethereum or Cash Payment.
Continue to enter the amount you wish to invest and submit. NOTE: The lowest amount you can invest is $
20 USD.
3. If the request is submitted, you will be prompted to make the payments and upload the transaction
reciept for confirmation.
NOTE: Depending on the method you choose to deposit with,
an address is provided for you to pay into.
If you choose CASH PAYMENT, Follow the link provided to
complete your payment.
4. After completing the above steps, Kindly wait as we review, register and activate your investment.
NOTE: Violation of our policies could result to rejection of investment requests.
We use some advanced systems to monitor and manage the investment of our clients. Depending on your
Investment plan, You should expect 15% to 50% profit on the amount invested. This usually takes a peroid
of 14 days to complete. The statistics section helps you visualize your investment progress.
You can manage your investment; You can upgrade at anytime once you have an active investment running.
You can also choose to withdraw or re-invest your profit.
It is possible to Withdraw after 14 days of investment is completed. Then the withdraw current balance page will be activated for your investment.
To withdraw you crypto fund, Go to the withdrawal page and follow the instructions to either request for
Withdrawal or Re-investment.
To upgrade your Investment, follow the steps outlined below.
1. Go to the INVESTMENT PAGE and click on the Top Up Investment tab to open its panel.
2. Enter the amount you wish to add. this will reactivate the Create New Investment panel for you to
complete your request.
3. In the Create New Investment panel, Follow the Instruction as when creating your first Investment.
Make your payments and upload Transaction reciept for confirmation.
NOTE: If you send a Top up request, your current investment is paused and deactivated until the top up request is completed. Your balance will also read zero. The moment the Top up request is completed and confirmed, Your investement will be restarted automatically, with your new Upgrade amount or plan.
Once the Proof of Payment is submitted, (Mostly a picture of the transaction reciept), it takes about 30 munites to 24 hours to approve and activate an Investment.